MacroWorld - The Good, The Bad, and the Surreal

A few months after receiving my camera, I purchased some macro tubes for fun with plant life. Previously, all I could use them on were the strange and boring greenery growing around my condo or whatever inexpensive plant I was able to keep alive for a couple of months. This year & last year I had an actual garden with plants that lasted more than two months so I was able to accumulate a good collection.

Last year's :
(used my macro tubes) f/0, 1/4000th, ISO-100, 0mm

f/0, 1/1000th, ISO-100, 0mm

f/0, 1/1600th, ISO-100, 0mm

This year's: 
f/0, 1/2500th, ISO-100, 0mm

f/0, 1/500th, ISO-100, 0mm

f/0, 1/320th, ISO-100

1/250th, ISO-100

1/320th, ISO-100

Not Macro but still pretty fun & surreal
f/4, 1/200th, ISO-100, 45mm
This plant may or may not be slowly disintegrating before my eyes due to my terrible flower maintenance skillz
Personally, I do see some improvement between this year's shots and last year's, but I'm a biased reporter.


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