It's All in the Details: Teacups and Flower Petals

This weekend we head to Maine to celebrate the marriage of Becky and James :-) A few months ago, I went to Maine with Em to shower Becky with love and presents and flowers and cupcakes. 

We got to the house at just the right time (cupcake-frosting time, aka Michelle-in-heaven time), but after licking more frosting off my fingers than I was helping to get on the little cakes, I thought I should help with set up. 

And then I walked outside and found myself at the most adorable little tea party. 

f/1.8, 1/3200th, ISO-400, 50mm
D'awww, adorable shots of the couple

f/1.8, 1/800th, ISO-400, 50mm
Gorgeous flowers

f/1.8, 1/3200th, ISO-400, 50mm
I bet the Queen sits poolside like this

f/1.8, 1/3200th, ISO-400, 50mm
Bride to be, yo!

f/1.8, 1/4000th, ISO-400, 50mm
Petals in balloons: something I'm definitely stealing for my next fancy party

f/1.8, 1/2000th, ISO-400, 50mm

f/1.8, 1/2000th, ISO-400, 50mm
So meta.
Congratulations to Becky and James, looking forward to getting our party on this weekend!


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