Photos of the Day: November Edition

I've gotten a little bit behind in my blogging, especially with my photos of the day collection! November was an interesting month, since for much of it I was packing up the condo and getting ready to move. As always, there's a Valentine and an Ender portrait among the rabble.
f/4, 1/25th, ISO-1600, 18mm
Too much going on in the background unfortunately. 

f/1.8, 1/25th, ISO-800, 50mm
he's a looker!
white balance is off here but I like that it made my Christmas lights look blue :) 

f/1.8, 1/13th, ISO-800, 50mm
I love the little bit of neon in the bikes.

f/1.8, 1/4000th, ISO-100, 50mm

f/1.8, 1/30th, ISO-800, 50mm
Contemplative Ender. I feel like this could be a print ad PSA for catnip addiction or kitty depression. 

f/2, 1/160th, ISO-800, 50mm
Not framed as well as I would like - babies, like cats, tend to move around a lot before you can get a shot of them! 

f/1.8, 1/60th, ISO-800, 50mm
my beautiful little sister. love the head tilt and missing tooth grin :)
Now that the holidays are over and I'm working less GAP hours, I have no excuse with the lack of blogging! There's also a Caribbean vacation in my future :-) Let's see if I can get some sunsets with straight horizons this time....


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