Best of iPhone 2014

"Sometimes the greatest camera you have on hand is also merely the only camera you have on hand" - Plato

My iPhone may not be as good as my Sony (especially considering that the iPhone these were taking with was the 4, not even the 4s...) but I have to hand it to Apple, the camera is not too shabby at all. And sometimes, sometimes, you just can't carry around a DSLR with you. 

Now we countdown my greatest phone hits of 2014... 

Boston favorite part of this photo is that one year later,
I would see one of these guys out in the "wilds" of Turks & Caicos

can I help you, friend? 

nap in the sunspot

my teeny tiger

The yacht clubs at our beach. 

Obviously based on the "lack" of snow you can tell this is from early last year and not more recent 2014

Rum Point, Grand Cayman

Got up at 5am one morning in Grand Cayman and suffered through
many mosquito bites to get this shot (and several more with my DSLR)

It may be dirty and I may never go swimming there, but I love the beach by my house

Our wedding cake may not have been elaborate, but I loved it's simple elegance and oh yeah, I thought it tasted yummy

We had many tulips in the yard last spring, but this one was a masterpiece

Emily got married and it was colorful

Lady Gaga loves s'mores

Allie only has eyes for apples
Kelly's face being covered by apple leaves is clearly an homage to Magritte's The Son of Man

Valentine wears GAP like her mama

Fun hostage games at Christmas

I think next week it might be time to start posting the best of Turks and Caicos, 2.0!


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