On Assignment - Naturally Stunning

It's time for me to get back into my mini photo projects. Right after Christmas I started taking inspiration from Better Photo Basics by Jim Miotke, which gave me various "assignments" to conduct while learning photo technique. Some were mind-numbingly easy for me to accomplish, such as the "take pictures of your pets" assignment (obviously you've seen I have no problem getting cat photos), while others I have yet to get anywhere close to doing - such as the "take photos at the zoo" assignment (anyone want to go to the zoo with me? please?)

I had thought that nature photos would be relatively "easy" for me to find, seeing as I live right by a park, but it's been quite a challenge all the same. I think part of the problem is my inability to see the beauty in winter weather (besides the pretty serenity in freshly fallen snow).

Here are some of the shots I've taken over the months as part of this assignment:

f/6.3, 1/100th, ISO 100, 28mm
Duckies! Who doesn't like ducks

f/4.5, 1/80th, ISO 100, 20mm
I love the red in this tree. 

f/13, 1/100th, ISO 100, 28mm
taken during a trip into Boston with my little brother

f/4, 1/4000th, ISO 100, -2step, 22mm

And NO pictures of the snow. Can you believe it? Even with all the blizzards, I failed at getting the perfect snow shot :-/ 


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