Big Apple Beauty

This past weekend I had the pleasure of spending the weekend in New York City for a bachelorette party. While I couldn't take my camera everywhere (I didn't think that expensive cameras and bull riding really went together, amirite?), I tried to make the most of it's excursion to the big apple.

I was fairly pleased with what resulted...

f/5.6, 1/200th, ISO-100, 35mm
The bride and her MOH, goofing around on Broadway. I love the soft natural light on their faces. 

f/3.5, 1/30th, ISO-100, 18mm
Becs looks super serene. 

f/3.5, 1/160th, ISO-100, +.3 exposure, 18mm
Even with Tams's goofy expression here, I think she came out super hot, mainly because of the dramatic colors

f/3.5, 1/320th, ISO-100, +.3 exposure, 18mm
More dramatic colors. It was the perfect time of day for this (pre-sunset, approx. 6pm)

f/4.5, 1/40th, ISO-100, -.3 exposure, 28mm
Just a silly, playing-with-focus shot. Love the orange building though.

f/4, 1/400th, ISO-100, 18mm
Our hotel! The flags made this angle interesting for me.

f/4, 1/125th, ISO-800, 22mm
More soft lighting on the Tams has a really  great expression here. I don't even notice the busy background.
f/22, 1/320th, ISO-800, 18mm
I put this in because I love the angles of the buildings, but it could be better. Not a lot of color besides the taxi.
Next week's entries will include some springtime fun with my little sisters, as well as my first (relatively inexpensive) lesson on properly cleaning my camera...


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