Mr. DeMille, I'm Ready For My Close Up

We interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you some...really old shots of mine. I haven't taken many notable close up head shots recently, but here's a few from the summer that I like.

f/5.6, 1/1000th, ISO-1600, 60mm
Oops, didn't change the ISO when I was outside! At least the shot isn't overblown or over pixelated

f/5.6, 1/160th, ISO-1600, 50mm
Ryan looking shifty

f/5.6, 1/80th, ISO-1600, 40mm
f/14, 1/20th, ISO-100, 50mm
Mom and Big Rock at my cousin's outdoor wedding
I really do enjoy natural light on people's faces. Using a fill flash would've been good to bring a spot of light in my mom's eyes though  (like in the one above) 

f/5.6, 1/60th, ISO-100, 35mm
Looking cool
I'm gearing up for some Colorado and St. John pictures soon :-) 


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